Dr. Caroline Leaf points out in her blog article “Sins of the Grandfathers” that there is scientific evidence of something a christan would call “generational iniquity” or “generational curses”. The scientific keyword is “transgenerational epigenetics“.

Since many theologians are in denial concerning this topic, and have declared this as “old testament stuff” (and twisted scripture to “proof” it), they have now to re-read their bibles. Maybe God is still visiting “the iniquities of the father to the third and fourth generations” (Exodus 34:7)?

One Response to Dr. Leaf – Scientific proof of generational iniquity / generational curses

  1. Paul sagt:

    Jetzt dämmerts mir langsam. Man sagt ja oft, dass bestimmte Krankheiten vererbt werden. Das ist dann ja der Fluch, der weitergeht.
    Ich freu mich schon auf die Frau Leaf, wenn sie kommt.

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