
Adam Curtis – Hypernormalisation

We are living in a world, that gets more and more unreal and fake.

Adam Curtis shows in his documentary, how people cope with this fake life and how we adjust to the unreal world without realising it.

Deutsch: Wer noch nie den Namen Adam Curtis gehört hat, der hat jetzt Gelegenheit, das nachzuholen. Curtis ist ein Dokumentarfilmer, dessen Filmen hauptsächlich aus BBC-Archivmaterial bestehen, welche mit schräger Musik unterlegt sind und zu denen Adam Curtis als Erzähler seine Geschichten erzählt. Das ganze ist manchmal auch ein bisschen gaga, aber seine These, die er in seinem neuesten Werk plausibel darstellt, ist jeden Gedanken wert.

Wir leben in einer Welt, die zunehmend mehr “fake” und unecht ist. Wir fliehen uns in diese unechten Welten hinein, weil die Komplexitäten des Alltags uns zu sehr verwirren und wir uns nach einfachen Narrativen sehnen. Gleichzeitig haben wir ein Gefühl der Passivität und Gleichgültigkeit, denn wir glauben nicht wirklich, dass unsere Entscheidungen einen Einfluss haben. Meiner Meinung nach sehens- und bedenkenswert. Hier ist eine Seite, auf der man seinen neuesten Film sehen kann:

+ Watch Hypernormalisation by Adam Curtis
Posted by TRLT in Endzeit, english, Video, Zeitgeschehen, 0 comments

For such a time as this

Now is the best time to live, all people who are right now alive live in the most exciting time in the whole history of humanity. In the bible is more written about our time than about every other time, including the time when jesus walked on earth (quote from Chuck Missler). One of my favorite authors, Roland Pletts writes in his totally awesome book “Covenant of Glory” following statement:

“We are now witnessing preparations for the greatest conflict ever to be fought, except for the personal conflict Jesus fought at the cross. We are about to see the greatest acts of God since the Lord brought His people out of Egypt. Yet many in the church are asleep. Now is the time for the church to awaken from slumber and pray as never before. We need to pray for believers world wide; Jewish believers, Palestinian believers and all believers. Jacob’s salvation will bring life out of death. (Rom 11:15)”


Posted by TRLT in Endzeit, Personen, 0 comments

Das Wort des Herrn über Damaskus

In Anbetracht der gegenwärtigen Ereignisse im Nahen Osten, vor allem in Syrien, gibt es eine interessante Bibelstelle:

Siehe, Damaskus hört auf eine Stadt zu sein, und wird eine verfallene Ruine. (Jesaja 17:1)

Damaskus war noch nie in seiner Geschichte eine Ruine. Wenn dies passieren wird, dann wird es Zeit den Rest des Kapitels zu lesen…

Posted by TRLT in Endzeit, Zeitgeschehen, 0 comments

Blutrotes Meer in Australien

In Australien hat sich as Wasser durch eine Algenart blutrot gefärbt. Das ganze sieht aus wie in einem Horrorfilm und ist auch nicht so gesund für die Fische. An was erinnert mich das wohl?

+ Link 1

Posted by TRLT in Endzeit, Zeitgeschehen, 0 comments

Jerusalem Rocket attack Eyewitness

Today I found this in my Mailbox (from ETH&S Newsletter):

Today as we were preparing our Shabbat meal in Jerusalem, the sirens sounded. At first I thought it was the sound of the Shabbat horn, since it was just after 4PM, but then the sound modulated or started to wail. Instantly we knew, the city was under attack. I immediately ran out onto the deck, with the rest of the household following. There high in the Western sky, we saw two white contrails from incoming rockets streaking towards Jerusalem. Marylois, Kathleen, Renee and I started rebuking the devourer and forbidding it to work its evil intent. Suddenly it was as if an unseen hand went up and deflected these fiery darts. Both of these missiles started turning before our eyes. One curved southward and other looped northward. It was incredible. Then in the silence, as the sirens had stopped, we heard a boom from one of the rockets exploding. Later news revealed that both missiles had blown up harmlessly in unpopulated areas. It is an awesome thing to see the hand of the living God reach out and stop a fiery dart meant to kill you. I have no other explanation. Our prayers and your prayers as well as the intercessions of many who pray for the peace of Jerusalem quenched these fiery darts. We can only thank God for His covering protection over all of us. Thank you for praying, and cease not for this conflict is far from over.

Posted by TRLT in Endzeit, english, Zeitgeschehen, 0 comments

Genetically Modified Insects or the “Locusts” from Revelation 9?

This is a very interesting article: “Are Genetically Modified Insects The Next Step For The GMO Industry?” The GMO industry thinks about altering the DNA of Insects in order to produce insects that die before they could harm the crop. The Problem (as always when tampering with DNA) is, that you never know what you will get, since nature is a little bit complex and unpredictable. So, lets hope that the result will not something like this:

Revelation 9:1-11 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
3 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.
4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.
5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.
6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.
7 And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.
8 And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.
9 And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.
10 And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.
11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

Posted by TRLT in Endzeit, english, Zeitgeschehen, 0 comments

Back to Eden

Ein sehr interessantes Video: ein Gärtner hat aus der Bibel seine eigenen Prinzipien über Säen und Ernten gelernt und diese in seinem Garten angewandt, mit erstaunlichen Ergebnissen. Das ganze erinnert doch sehr an Dr. George Washington Carver, wie er seine “Ideen” bekommt und umsetzt und was für erstaunliche Resultate sie erzeugen. Sicherlich wird dies einigen Konzernen nicht so gut schmecken und ich würde mich nicht wundern, wenn das ganze hier von Leuten in den Dreck gezogen wird. Aber es ist so erstaunlich einfach, dass jeder das nachmachen kann. Es gibt bereits eine riesige “Fangemeinde”, die es auf seine Weise machen und ebenfalls ziemlich überzeugt von dieser Methode sind. Das Video gibts umsonst auf seiner Seite:

+ Back To Eden Website und Film

Posted by TRLT in Endzeit, Video, Zeitgeschehen, 0 comments

behold a pale Horse / He who has ears…

The Table has been set for a New World Order” – Ahmadinejad talks about the coming “Man of Kindness”, who will soon bring peace and prosperity and be

“a man who loves people and loves absolute justice, a man who is a perfect human being and is named Imam al-Mahdi, a man who will come in the company of Jesus Christ and the righteous.”

What he is not telling:

What Ahmadinejad neglected to explain is that Shiite Twelvers believe a global apocalypse will mark the Mahdi’s return, leading to the annihilation all non-believers, including Christians, Jews and Sunni Muslims.

+ Messiahs Return at Hand
+ Official Transcript of the U.N. speech of Ahmadinejad (PDF)

Posted by TRLT in Endzeit, english, 1 comment

David Wilkerson und seine Prophetie / Vision von 1973

Viele Leute glauben, dass sie das Recht haben, sich auf Gottes Richterstuhl zu setzen und Verurteilungen über andere Mitmenschen auszusprechen. Dies ist im Fall David Wilkerson sehr häufig geschehen. Wilkerson war nun nicht gerade jemand, der oft Visionen hatte (ich glaube er sagte selber, dass er im ganzen Leben nur zwei oder drei hatte), und die hat er 1973 in einem Buch (The Vision) aufgeschrieben. Viele Christen haben aufgrund dieses Buches David Wilkerson gerichtet und als falschen Propheten abgetan, deswegen möchte ich heute, im Jahr 2012 einmal darauf hinweisen, wie akkurat diese Prophezeiungen von David Wilkerson sind:

Ich habe auf der Webseite Apostolic Sceptre von Dr. Lalith Mendis folgenden Artikel gefunden:

(In 1973 David Wilkerson published the book THE VISION. The following research was prepared to compare the prophetic statements in THE VISION to subsequent news reports.)
David Patterson 3/13/09

THE VISION by David Wilkerson (1973)


A) Economic Crash Coming

• There is worldwide economic confusion just ahead. In my vision this is the clearest thing I have seen… Not only is the American Dollar headed for deep trouble, but so are all other world currencies. I see total economic confusion striking Europe first and then affecting Japan , the United States , Canada and all other nations shortly thereafter.” (P13:p1-2)

B) Everyone Will Be Affected

“…A recession of such magnitude that it will affect the lifestyle of nearly every wage earner in America and around the world. Countries that now control huge amounts of Western currency are going to be in very deep trouble also. Arab countries will be especially hurt. ” (P13: p3)

“The net worth of American households fell by the largest amount in over a half century of record keeping during the fourth quarter of last year.” Associated Press, 3/12/09

C) Economists Confused

• “The world’s greatest economists will be at a loss to explain the confusion and an international crisis of fear will develop.

“It is no surprise that the overwhelming majority of economists… Ben Bernanke apparently among them, have been as surprised by the train wreck now hurling toward our economy as has been the laity. Economists are at a loss regarding how to avoid the train wreck… no [one] would ever suspect that the economics profession would be as unprepared and helpless to deal with that calamity as the profession has shown itself to be.” The Daily Princetonian, 2/08/09

D) False Boom

• A false economic boom will precede the recession – but it will be short lived.” (P13-14: p4)

Oct. 1, 2007— Dow rockets to all-time high, closes above 14,000
Mar. 2, 2009 — Dow at twelve-year low closes under 7000 ,

E) A Few Good Years to Prepare

• The next few years (from 1973) will be among the most prosperous in the history of mankind….Sales will continue to break records and people will spend more than ever in modern history.

“ Family net worth had hit an all-time high of $64.36 trillion in the April-June quarter of 2007 but has fallen in every quarter since that time.” Associated Press, 3/12/09

F) Uncontrolled Credit Debt

• Credit debt will become nearly uncontrollable. I see, very clearly, just a few years of tremendous affluence and continued economic prosperity. Inflation, costs and wages will spiral higher and higher. ” (P14: p1-3)

“…Up to 45 percent of the world’s wealth has been destroyed by the global credit crisis.“ Reuters, 3/10/09

G) Bankruptcies of Major Corporations

• I believe we are going to witness the bankruptcies of some of this nations major and most popular corporations. I see tremendous difficulty arising for credit corporations. There are going to be many people unable to pay off their heavy obligations to major credit card companies, causing near chaos. Thousands of small businesses will also be forced into bankruptcies.

i.e.: Lehman Bros., Washington Mutual, IndyMac Bancorp, Peanut Corporation of America, Sharper Image, Linens ‘N Things, Circuit City

H) Government Panic

• The United States government is going to “overreact” to the confused economical developments…. I see a flurry of near-panic decisions being made by various government agencies – but these hasty efforts to shore up the economy will backfire.

Recent bailouts, stimulus packages, etc.

I) Auto Industry Hit Hard

• The auto industry is going to be badly hurt. Makers of recreational vehicles are going to get hit very hard.

Recent events: GM, Chrysler, Toyota posted first loss in 50 years…etc.

J) Building Industry Setbacks
• The building industry is going to face many setbacks. Housing starts will level off. There is a terrible squeeze coming to the building industry.

“ Since 2004 when builders on the Business Journal’s Top 25 list constructed 2673 homes… the number of home starts dropped 61% through the end of 2008. “ Business Journal, 2/14/09

K) Gold Will Not Provide Security

• The price of gold is going to rise astronomically but it will not be sustained over a long period of time…neither silver nor gold will offer real security. Gold hoarders are going to get hurt badly. This is one of the most significant predictions in this book.

The London P.M. Fix price for gold in 1973 was $65 per ounce, in March 2008 it reached an all time high of $1,002. Currently sitting at $970 per ounce.

L) New World Monetary System

• There will develop a call for revamping all world monetary systems into one uniform system.

“ European Central Bank council member Ewald Nowotny said that a tri-polar global currency system is developing between Asia, Europe and the US and that he is skeptical the US dollar’s centrality can be revived. ” Bloomberg Financial Times, 10/19/08

M) Suicide by Overdose

• Economic setbacks and confusion will catch many unprepared for the consequences. Suicide will follow…from overdoses of sleeping pills and other chemical sedatives…Some very well-known people in the business world are going to commit suicide through overdoses of narcotics.

N) Social Aid Programs Will Be Cut

• Social aid programs are going to be cut back and curtailed and minority groups are going to be affected the most. These cutbacks, along with the curtailment of many government projects, will cause widespread unemployment among these groups.

“ NY Gov: Rising deficit requires health care cuts ” Reuters UK 8/11/08


A) Drastic Weather Changes

• The world is about to witness the beginnings of great sorrows brought about by history’s most drastic weather changes, earthquakes, floods terrible calamities – far surpassing anything ever yet witnessed.

“ The eight warmest years on record (since 1850) have all occurred since 1998 with the warmest year being 2005 .” Environmental Protection Agency website 2/18/09

“ 88,011 people were killed in earthquakes in 2008, with the largest number dying in China and Pakistan. In 2000, 231 people died worldwide in earthquakes. ” United States Geological Society

B) Famine

• Famine is coming to the world in our generation and millions will die of starvation…

“ Last year the number of the world’s hungry surged from 854 million to 967 million due to the steep climb in prices of staple foods. UN News Centre, 3/9/09

• Snowless winters will bring dismal crop production and famine conditions in central and western Russia . India , Pakistan and all of southeast Asia, and Africa will be especially hard hit.

“ Snowless Winter in Russia : With Russia having the weirdest snowless winter in living memory, Moscow is literally importing tons of snow from Eastern Siberia to provide for an international skiing event. Russia would normally be covered with a thick layer of sparkling snow by the end of November, but this year vast regions of the country… have not had a flake of snow with just ten days to go before the new year. ” The Hindu, India ‘s National Newspaper, 12/23/08

C) Depletion of Relief Funds

• Relief and disaster funds will become nearly depleted. Insurance companies will face huge losses.

“ The Red Cross has depleted its disaster relief fund and is now borrowing money to pay for moving volunteers and supplies across the country to help with what the spokesman said were silent disasters. ” The Chronicle of Philanthropy, 6/25/08

D) Outbreaks of Epidemics

• In the aftermath of famine, floods and earthquakes, mankind faces the threat of new epidemics. There will a major cholera epidemic sweeping through various underdeveloped countries. India and Pakistan face the threat of untold thousands dying from epidemic and starvation.

Some 88,000 people have now been affected by cholera in Zimbabwe , the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) announced today. ..Nearly 4,000 have died from the disease which is caused by contaminated foor or water, the agency said. UN News Centre, 3/06/09

Cholera death toll in India rises: The death toll from an outbreak of cholera in the eastern Indian state of Orissa has risen to 115, officials say. The outbreak has affected Rayagada, Koraput and Kalahandi districts where more than 2,000 people have been admitted to hospitals, officials say. Doctors say contaminated food and water are to blame for the epidemic. BBC.com


A) Pornography on TV

• Be warned – in the not too distant future X-rated porno movies will be show on select cable networks after midnight.

• Also available will be the same triple x rated video tapes for private home use. These videotapes can be played on any TV set with an electronic attachment.

Larry Flint, the founder of Hustler magazine says “ You can now see on television material just as explicit as we were publishing in Hustler in 1974.” New York Times, 2/07/02

B) Sex Drug

• I believe a new sex drug will be concocted and distributed by the black market to teenagers and students. It will break down moral restraint and lead thousands of teenagers into promiscuous sex activity.

Ecstacy gained popularity in the 1980s. “ Adolescents and young adults use [ecstasy] to promote euphoria, feelings of closeness, empathy, sexuality and to reduce inhibitions.” US Drug Enforcement Administration

C) Teenage alcoholism

• Teenage alcoholism will increase. We are going to face a critical drinking problem with teenagers between thirteen and sixteen years of age.

“ Alcohol: The Number One Problem Among Teens: Alcohol use is the number one drug problem among young people. Teenagers are drinking younger and more frequently than before. They often start around age 13, according to studies. Young people almost always begin drinking because of peer pressure. They try to be accepted and included in the group. According to a national survey, 11 percent of eighth graders, 22 percent of tenth graders and 29 percent of twelfth graders had engaged in “binge” drinking within the past two weeks. ” Health A-Z website

Posted by TRLT in Endzeit, 1 comment