Today I found this in my Mailbox (from ETH&S Newsletter):

Today as we were preparing our Shabbat meal in Jerusalem, the sirens sounded. At first I thought it was the sound of the Shabbat horn, since it was just after 4PM, but then the sound modulated or started to wail. Instantly we knew, the city was under attack. I immediately ran out onto the deck, with the rest of the household following. There high in the Western sky, we saw two white contrails from incoming rockets streaking towards Jerusalem. Marylois, Kathleen, Renee and I started rebuking the devourer and forbidding it to work its evil intent. Suddenly it was as if an unseen hand went up and deflected these fiery darts. Both of these missiles started turning before our eyes. One curved southward and other looped northward. It was incredible. Then in the silence, as the sirens had stopped, we heard a boom from one of the rockets exploding. Later news revealed that both missiles had blown up harmlessly in unpopulated areas. It is an awesome thing to see the hand of the living God reach out and stop a fiery dart meant to kill you. I have no other explanation. Our prayers and your prayers as well as the intercessions of many who pray for the peace of Jerusalem quenched these fiery darts. We can only thank God for His covering protection over all of us. Thank you for praying, and cease not for this conflict is far from over.

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