Prayer for Arthur Katz

This is the recent update from the Ben Israel Community on the health problems of Art Katz:

Most of you are probably already aware that Art has continued to suffer major health problems related to polyarteritis nodosa, the auto-immune disease he has been suffering for the last year. He has been in and out of hospital a half dozen times since August, and even at death’s door a few times.

A week ago Art spent three days in the hospital in Minneapolis. He was released (probably prematurely) and had to be put back in hospital the following day (Thanksgiving) in Bemidji. He has had a multi-system infection with fever, his neck swollen larger than his head, and he required two more pints of blood to have enough hemoglobin to sustain life. But he is improving, and hopefully will be released today (Monday, 27th).

At regular intervals the disease has been attacking different parts of his body, and the affected areas are severely painful. So our privilege is to appeal to the Lord to release the healing through whatever means will most glorify Him.

Prayer points:

  1. Complete healing of polyarteritis nodosa. This is the key.
  2. Improved ability to manufacture red blood cells (hemoglobin). Anemia is a characteristic of the disease, and he seems to be needing a transfusion more frequently.
  3. Improved immune function. The necessity to take prednisone, which is suppressing his immune system, means that he is very open to any infection that might be in the air..
  4. Revelation of any possible spiritual issues that could be opening him to attack

Praise points:

  1. The pain in Art’s eyes and the bridge of his nose, and the lesions on his arms and legs have subsided.
  2. He is again able to read when not too fatigued to do so.
  3. He is about to be released from hospital.

Blessings as you join, or continue, in the prayer battle for Art’s health and ministry.
Ben Israel Fellowship


wieso wird kein christlicher wunderheiler hingeschickt?

Weil die immer nur dann heilen, wenn mans gerade nicht braucht oder wenn grade keiner hinsieht. Oder sie heilen irgendwo in Afrika und in der Mongolei, dann da haben die Leute viel mehr glauben und man kann das auch nicht so gut nachprüfen ;-)

Oder vielleicht haben die alle Angst vor Art? Immerhin könnte er sie ja entlarven…

Oder sie gehen nicht hin, weil sie denken Arthur ist krank, weil er irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann gesündigt hat, oder weil er zu wenig glauben hat…wer weiß?

Mein letzter KOmmentar war wohl ein bisschen zu sarkastisch…damit ich hier nicht missverstanden werde: ich glaube sehr wohl daran, dass es die Gabe der Heilung heute gibt, aber ich habe schon einige Typen erlebt, die von sich überzeugt wären und es scheinbar doch nicht hatten – deswegen mein sarkastischer Kommentar

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